Poporo Plant Co., Ltd. | Vertical: Construction BIM-CIM
Five-fold Productivity in Field Surveys, How the FARO Laser Scanner Changed Poporo Plant’s Business
Headquartered in Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan, Poporo Plant Co., Ltd. is a company that engages in the survey and design of liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals. It recently introduced the use of FARO Focus3D X 130 Laser Scanner to its processes after five years of careful consideration. Since then, the company has undergone rapid expansion due to new business areas like Virtual Reality (VR) collaborations and overseas survey projects, as well as the overall five-fold increase of its productivity in field surveys.
- Plant Engineering
- 3D Documentation
- Time saving from a week to 1 day on measuring plant mechanical room
- Accurate meansurements obtained from scanning